What is an Arm Lift Procedure?

Arm Lift Manhattan

Arm lift is a body contouring procedure that consists of re-sculpting the arm tissue and removing the skin to create a sleeker arm contour. The procedure, also known as brachioplasty, intends to improve the appearance of loose, saggy-looking upper arms. Dr. Mark Schwartz is a NYC plastic surgeon that is renowned for his exceptional results for patients undergoing an arm lift in Manhattan.

Candidates for Arm Lift

Individuals considering arm lift surgery are evaluated by Dr. Schwartz during a surgical consultation. At the time of consultation, Dr. Schwartz takes a detailed medical history to ensure the candidate is healthy, with no major pre-existing conditions that could raise the risks of surgery. Other factors he examines are whether the candidate smokes and whether they can maintain a stable weight through healthy lifestyle habits (which is important for long-lasting arm lift results).

Dr. Schwartz examines the patient’s arms, noting the skin elasticity and amount of excess fatty tissue and skin. He inquires about the patient’s goals and expectations of surgery, asking them to describe their ideal cosmetic outcome. This information helps Dr. Schwartz determine whether the patient is a suitable candidate for surgery.

Brachioplasty NYC

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Procedural Details

Arm lift is performed on an outpatient basis at Dr. Schwartz’s on-site surgical facility. A board-certified anesthesiologist can provide either sedation or general anesthesia for patient comfort and safety.

Dr. Schwartz makes the incision on the bottom of the upper arm. The length of the incision depends on the degree of correction needed, although it often extends from the underarm to the elbow. Select patients with only a small amount of excess skin may achieve the desired results with a small incision in the underarm also known as a “mini-arm lift.”

Through the incision, Dr. Schwartz removes surplus skin and fat and tightens the supportive tissue, placing internal sutures to support the new arm contours. If the arm has a large amount of fatty tissue, he may also use liposuction to remove it. When he is finishes contouring the patient’s arm, he closes the incisions with absorbable sutures and dresses the incisions. A compression bandage may also be applied to minimize post-operative swelling.

Recovering from Arm LiftBrachioplasty in Manhattan & NYC

Swelling, bruising and mild discomfort are normal side effects after surgery. Wearing the compression bandage helps control the swelling, and oral pain medicine soothes any discomfort.

Patients are encouraged to rest and avoid strenuous activity as their body heals. Short walks are permitted, but bending and lifting heavy objects is discouraged. Dr. Schwartz follows up with patients individually during the recovery period, to check their healing progress, answer questions and advise when it is safe to return to work, socializing and exercise.

Every patient heals differently, but most are able to return to work within a week or two, and exercise within three weeks of surgery.

Arms look slimmer immediately after surgery, with results continuing to improve over time. Scarring gradually fades over the course of several months.

Why Choose Dr. Mark Schwartz

Mark Schwartz, MD, is an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon that provides high-quality arm lift surgery to New York City patients. Dr. Schwartz is highly educated in the cosmetic field, having studied at prestigious universities including the Mount Sinai School of Medicine and earned membership with organizations including the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Dr. Schwartz is renowned for his natural-looking results and caring approach to plastic surgery. View testimonials from his previous patients, or contact Dr. Schwartz today to schedule a consultation.