Mommy Makeover 101

Proudly serving New York City

Mommy makeovers Manhattan, NYA woman’s body undergoes significant—and often permanent—changes due to pregnancy and breastfeeding, and diet and exercise alone are often unable to help the body bounce back to its pre-baby state. But one way to restore a tighter tummy and youthful-looking breasts is Mommy Makeover surgery, and this combination of procedures can include a tummy tuck, breast augmentation and/or lift and liposuction.

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck addresses excess skin and lax muscles to firm and flatten the stomach. Technically called abdominoplasty, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Mark Schwartz utilizes several techniques to improve mild to severe skin and muscle laxity after pregnancy, but any tummy tuck variation involves at least one incision that is usually hidden by panties or bikini bottoms. The length and shape of the resulting scar ultimately depends on the tummy tuck technique used, and Dr. Schwartz can recommend the best approach for your unique concerns and goals.

Tummy tuck recovery involves several days of bed rest followed by at least two weeks of restricted activity and help getting around. In addition to wearing a compression garment, you may also have drains at the incision site for approximately 1 week.  It is especially important to avoid heavy lifting (including children) and exercise for four to six weeks. A majority of swelling subsides within the first month after surgery, but it can take six months for the final results to be apparent. Every patient’s recovery experience varies, and Dr. Schwartz emphasizes that the type of tummy tuck procedure performed plays a role in the recovery.

Breast Augmentation/Breast Lift

Many women experience a loss of breast fullness after pregnancy and breastfeeding and breast augmentation is the ideal solution for a “deflated” and sagging appearance. Depending on the degree of sagging, Dr. Schwartz may recommend a breast lift with the augmentation to restore pre-pregnancy fullness and perkiness, as this combination procedure can be used to increase cup size while repositioning the nipple-areola and breast to a higher, more aesthetically pleasing position.

Breast surgery is tailored for each patient and there are a variety of options in terms of implants and incision placement. Dr. Schwartz has extensive experience performing breast augmentation and breast lift surgery, and at your consultation, he will suggest the best approach based on your unique anatomy and desired outcome.

Recovery after breast augmentation is easier than most patients anticipate.  Most patients feel tired and sore (similar to after an intense workout) for a day or two after the procedure. However, a breast lift requires additional recovery time because excess skin is removed and tissues are repositioned.   With a combination of augmentation and a lift, drains may be necessary to facilitate healing. Most breast augmentation and lift patients are instructed to wear a wireless sport-type bra for 2-3 weeks, but they can get back to work and their usual lifestyle in about a week—however heavy lifting or strenuous activity must be avoided for the first two weeks after surgery. Any pain, swelling or sensitivity usually resolve within the first few weeks, the color and texture of scars begin to improve within the first few months after surgery and their appearance will continue to refine over time.


Liposuction is also an essential element of the Mommy Makeover.  Removing stubborn fat deposits enhances body contours in ways that tummy tucks cannot. Dr. Schwartz has extensive experience using a variety of liposuction techniques, but the procedure essentially involves making very small incisions (that are nearly undetectable once healed) and inserting a long, thin tube called a cannula that uses vacuum suction to remove fat. Swelling, bruising and soreness are to be expected for one to two weeks after liposuction. Patients are usually instructed to wear a compression garment to facilitate the healing process and avoid strenuous activity as the body heals.

Interested in learning more about the Mommy Makeover, tummy tuck surgery, breast augmentation, breast lifts or liposuction? Contact Park Avenue plastic surgeon, Dr. Mark Schwartz, at 212.737.9090 or