Top Patient Questions about the Tummy Tuck Procedure

Choosing to undergo a tummy tuck can be a life-changing decision, so it’s important to know what exactly this procedure entails. This procedure, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a popular choice amongst patients striving to achieve the ideal flat, tight tummy. To help you gain a greater understanding of this procedure, keep reading to explore the answers to some of the top patient questions about tummy tucks.

Top Patient Questions about the Tummy Tuck Procedure

  1. How do I know if I am a candidate for a tummy tuck? If you are a woman planning on becoming pregnant, it may not be the right time for your tummy tuck; any extreme variance in weight and shape can ruin the effects of your surgery. If you plan on losing a significant amount of weight, it should happen before you decide to have the procedure.
  2. What will a tummy tuck do for me? A realistic expectation of a tummy tuck is a smoother, flatter stomach area and a narrowed waistline. Excess or flabby skin will be removed and muscles will be tightened.
  3. What are the limitations of a tummy tuck? A tummy tuck will not cause weight loss or correct stretch marks.  In some cases, stretch marks may be removed entirely if they happen to reside in the area of skin that is being removed.
  4. What will the recovery be like? Recovery for surgery is different for each patient. Most patients can expect to go home the same day as the surgery, and will have to wear compression garments to help with swelling. A drain may be placed in the abdomen to help remove excess fluid created by the body during the healing process. Although patients shouldn’t involve themselves in strenuous activity for at least 6 weeks following the procedure, most patients feel better in 2-3 weeks.
  5. Will I be happy with the results? The results of a tummy tuck are considered to be permanent. Although the surgery cannot be reversed, it is advised to maintain a healthy diet and exercise to avoid any fluctuation in weight that may lessen the overall appearance of your new tummy. Changes in your shape can be seen right away.

Abdominoplasty in Manhattan

For more information about the abdominoplasty procedure or to schedule a consultation in New York City, contact Dr. Mark H. Schwartz today. Our offices are located in Manhattan, and we can be reached at 212-737-9090. We look forward to hearing from you!